Chaplain Services
Chaplains and Religious Support Teams in the Army National Guard and Air National Guard exist to ensure a ready force through comprehensive religious support and spiritual care.  We accomplish this mission by executing the following tasks:

1. Provide Religious Support through acts of worship, religious rites, sacraments and ordinances, holy day observances, pastoral care and counseling. 

2. Advise the commanders and staff on matters related to religious, spiritual, ethical, moral, and morale concerns.  In addition, we advise leaders on the impact of religion on all aspects of military operations.

3. Provide a place of confidentiality.  A key component in providing quality care is offering 100% confidential conversations within a pastoral context.
Common topics Chaplains address include: relationship and parenting issues, substance abuse, suicidal ideations, sexual trauma, and spiritual questions of meaning and purpose.
Chaplains and Religious Support Teams can also connect Service Members and their families to resource providers including: Behavioral Health, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Family Programs, Child and Youth Programs, and Missouri Military Relief Fund.
Contact Information
State Chaplain             
Chaplain R. Patrick Moore
Jefferson City                                     
573-301-6964 cell

FULL-TIME Regional Chaplains
Chaplain David Spears, Army                    Jefferson Barracks                         314-416-6660 x36660
Chaplain Sam Smith, Air                            Whiteman AFB                                   314-724-6115
Chaplain Marty Clary, Air                           St. Joseph                                                   816-236-3175
SFC Evangeline McKay                             Jefferson City                            573-638-9500 x39677