What is the Family Assistance Center and who are the Soldier and Family Readiness Specialists?
The Soldier and Family Readiness Specialists (SFRS) runs the Family Assistance Centers (FACs). There are 12 FAC locations that are geographically dispersed throughout Missouri and are strategically placed for your accessibility. The role of the SFRSs provide the commander with a point of contact for Soldiers and Family members needing assistance. The SFRSs also provide the commander a support team for their Soldier and Family Readiness Group who aids in maintaining the continuity and stability of Family Readiness as units undergo changes in volunteers and leaderships.
With the unique and growing needs of military Families, the SFRS plays a critical role in providing information, assistance, and referral to thousands of Service members, Veterans, and their Families. Coordinating Family Assistance through the SFRS is the best response to Family emergencies, deployments, mass casualty events, and natural disasters. The efforts of the SFRSs are directed toward providing military Families with the information and assistance they need to be empowered.  As the demand on military Families continue to increase and become more complex, they will be there to help every step of the way.
As a supporter, how can I get involved?
The Soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG) is a unit Commander’s program and is a volunteer based group which is open to all Soldier and Family members and to anyone who supports the unit. The SFRG assist the unit Commander by ensuring the support system of the Service members are resourced, and prepared throughout the deployment and mobilization cycle.  They also provide Family members with social and emotional support, which may consist of information, referrals, and education. SFRG members work closely with SFRSs to ensure their foundation is strong in order to support the readiness of their units. Please get in contact with your area’s SFRS or your Service member’s unit for more information.
Resourceful Links:
Financial Readiness (https://finred.usalearning.gov/)
MONG Family Programs FB page: (https://www.facebook.com/mongfp)
Contact Us:
Lead Soldier and Family Readiness Specialist, 573-638-9500 Ext. 37009; 573-777-0972