Spiritual Readiness

Spiritual readiness includes the development of the personal qualities needed to sustain a person in times of stress, hardship, and tragedy. These qualities come from religious, philosophical, or human values and form the basis for character, disposition, decision making, and integrity.  

     Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F)
      Contact Information
     State Coordinator             
     Lt. Christopher Barrett, MRT/MFT
     Jefferson City, MO                      
     573-638-9500 ext 37427  

     State NCOIC
     Sgt. 1st Class Travis Mathews, MFT
     Fort Leonard Wood, MO                      
     573-638-9500 ext 39205  

     Regional Coordinator
     Capt. Ann Robbins, MS
     Kansas City, MO                            
     573-638-9500 ext. 35059