Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP)
Mission: To provide Service members, families, or designated individuals with information and proactive outreach opportunities to foster healthy life-skills development throughout the deployment cycle and reintegration process.
Vision: Recognized nationally as a leader in providing effective and proactive service to our customers based on their environmental and situational needs.
Yellow Ribbon events and activities provide information and resources that help Service members and their families or designated individuals understand their benefits, learn how to access their benefits, become familiar with resource providers in their communities, and overcome deployment challenges. Yellow Ribbon events and activities include:
Pre-Deployment. These events proactively address issues to build resilience and knowledge throughout the deployment and reintegration phases. Pre-Yellow Ribbon events occur between 90-120 days before mobilization.
During Deployment. Events or activities that focus on challenges and stress associated with deployment and having a Service member in a combat zone, and decreasing the isolation of families and designated individuals during deployment. During Yellow Ribbon events are available for supporters halfway through the deployment.
Post-Deployment. This phase will be the time following demobilization or during any redeployment period. Information and education are focused on resolving issues associated with the reintegration process. Post-Yellow Ribbon events will occur between 60-90 days after demobilization.
Is participation in the Yellow Ribbon Program mandatory for Service members?
Yes, all Yellow Ribbon events are mandatory per the mandate given by Congress in 2008. Only the commander can excuse a Service member when the Service member has prior obligations, such as a Military school. The Service member is, however, required to attend another event to make up the attendance.
As a Service member, am I required to attend all briefings?
Yes, all attendees are on orders and in an official duty capacity when attending. Soldiers attend in IDT status, and they are essentially “drilling at an alternate location.”
As a Supporter/Family member, am I required to attend all briefings?
If you are on Individual Travel Authorizations / Orders and planning to fill out a DD 1351-2 (Travel Voucher for reimbursement), you must attend all briefings.
What is the dress code for Service Members and Supporters?
Service members’ dress code can vary depending on the Command. Typically Service members are required to wear their Duty uniforms on Saturday and wear business casual on Sunday. Supporters must wear business casual Saturday and Sunday. Business casual can include jeans if they are in good condition. No cut-offs, jeans with holes, or profane or revealing attire. Please get in touch with the Yellow Ribbon office for specific details about your event.
Who issues the Service member’s travel orders?
The Service member’s unit.
Who issues the Supporter’s travel orders?
The Yellow Ribbon Office.
Contact the Yellow Ribbon Office at:
Joint Force Headquarters, Missouri National Guard
Patriot Center - Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
2405 Logistics Rd.
Jefferson City, MO 65101-1203
Staff Information
SSG Jason Comstock
R3SP / Yellow Ribbon NCOIC
Family and Warrior Support
Office: 573.638.9500 ext: 37090
Email: Jason.k.comstock1.mil@army.mil
SPC Jonathon Geier or SPC Holly Jarvis
Yellow Ribbon Support Specialist
PBX: 39645
Work: 573-638-9500 ext: 39645
NIPR: jonathon.j.geier.mil@army.mil; holly.n.jarvis.mil@army.mil