The Missouri National Guard Veterans Services (Records and Archives Office) has been in operation for more than 40 years. This office has the responsibility for the compilation and maintenance of records and issuance of certificates of war service to veterans of the State of Missouri. This office also performs the administration incident to the preservation, maintenance, and transactions involved of Missouri veterans records.

  1. Upon request provide documented proof of military service to veterans, veteran’s next of kin, or various requesting organizations. Examples of requesting organizations include Veterans Hospitals, Veterans Organizations, Federal Investigators, Law Enforcement Agencies, Funeral Homes, Veterans Cemeteries, Veterans Homes, Nursing Homes, War Veteran Recognition Programs, Social Security Administration, Veterans Memorial Programs, etc.
  1. Receive and maintain official military files on all Missouri National Guard retired or discharged Soldiers/Airmen.
  2. Receive Certificates of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) for Missouri Veterans from the Missouri Veterans Commission. This pertains to veterans from all branches of service that designated Missouri as their home of record at the time of discharge from military service.
  3. Work directly with Missouri Secretary of State Archives in the preservation, filing and retrieving of official military service records that are stored at the Secretary of State’s James C. Kirkpatrick Information Center.

Note: Our office only maintains Missouri veteran’s records from 1942 to present date. Veteran’s records prior to 1942 are maintained at the Missouri Secretary of State Archives. Pre-1942 Secretary of State archived Soldier’s records may be researched at the following link:
Missouri State Archives Soldiers’ Records


Veteran’s service information is protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. Requested service information will ONLY be released upon signed consent from the veteran or legal representative.



For requesting documented proof of veteran’s military service and official military records, the veteran will need to complete and sign a Request Pertaining to Military Records (Standard Form 180). This request may then be mailed or faxed to our office at the below address or fax number. If the veteran is incapacitated or deceased, the information may be released to the veteran’s next of kin or legal representative, upon signed release accompanied by a copy of the death certificate or power of attorney. A copy of the Standard Form 180 may be found online at National Records Center Website. See procedures for filling out SF 180 form correctly. Veterans and requesting organizations may also contact our office to have a Standard Form 180 mailed or faxed.


(Veterans Records)
2405 Logistics Road
Jefferson City, MO 65101-1203


Office Contact Telephone Numbers:
573-638-9683 or 573-638-9890

NOTE: As of January 1, 2008, our office no longer receives hard copy files of Missouri Army National Guard Soldier Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF). All OMPF’s for Missouri Army National Guard Soldiers after the above date should be available to the Soldier through iPERMS.


Submit Requests for Military Records to the National Personnel Records Center at the following address.

National Personnel Record Center Archives
(Military Personnel Records)
1 Archives Drive
St. Louis, MO 63138

Fax number: 314-801-9195
Office Contact Telephone Numbers: 314-801-0800

National Records Center Website